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Say Hello or Book A Session

Book a free 20-minute intro session with Jevon.

Here are some common reasons/topics people book a session:


*General Relationship or Marriage Support*

  • Discover your temperament through the 5000+ year old Enneagram. Your temperament includes the personality, the program of why you see the world like you do, why you feel like you do, and why you do what you do. 
  • After discovering your temperament, revealing the best way to work with your significant others. 
  • Shifting the perspective and context of life to be happy and successful now. 


*Soul Contract Reading*

  • A Soul Contract Reading is an accurate, in depth, channeled system of spiritual interpretation, which will enable you to understand, manage and overcome the current challenges in your life.
  • A chart based on your birth name describes the energies set in place by your soul for this life. It describes your karma (lessons), talents, goals, and soul destiny. 
  • The chart is interpreted to place your life experiences into perspective and to show where you are going.
  • Engage with your soul’s purpose.
  • Understand your relationships.
  • Recommendations may be made to help you achieve your maximum potential in life. 
  • For parents: understanding your child’s soul contract can help you lead them in life.


*Divine Healing*

Accesses and clear:

  • Your soul records and soul programs 
  • Inherited ancestral patterns
  • Unresolved past life issues
  • Hidden ego agendas, sabotages, and conflicts
  • Blocked energy in the subtle bodies and chakras
  • Fear programs 
  • Interference energies including entities
  • Physical, mental and emotional imbalances
  • Blocked energy in the organs and glands
  • Genetically encoded imprints
  • Judgements and negative beliefs
  • Shock and trauma

Physcially help your body as well! 

  • Regeneration and rejuvenation of your cells, enhancing of brain functions/integration. Stabilization of hydration/dehydration in the body. Balancing your body’s nutrition and biochemistry. Harmonizing and alignment of your energy bodies and chakras. Healing your eyesight. 


*Conscious Advisor Business Consulting*

  • Engage profitably through your choice of business with integrity and developed sensitivity to your inner guidance. 
  • Persuade / Influence / Brand / Market / Sell, while remaining centered in the heart/body and connected to inner guidance, through physical posturing / grounding and a shift in context / perspective. 
  • Open the channels of the body to allow the innate physical flow of energy to bring the creativity, energy and skills needed to run a successful conscious business. 


Send a message BELOW along with any supporting details. 

Jevon will get back to you right away to book the free intro session!

Suggested Donation of $100 per hour session (cost includes Jevon’s 1 hour of prep work) after the free introduction. 

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