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Life IS as it should be

Life IS as it should be. Part 1. 

When we accept life and all it’s parts without the judgement of good/bad/etc, the events become neutral instead of emotionally provoking attacks (like “OMG! Why is this happening to me!!” Sob. Sob.) 

We are then equipped to engage in those neutral events and use them as they are, small pieces in a hidden larger masterpiece that is really perfect and beautiful as the larger whole tapestry of life. 

If this concept resonates I wrote a book that is more of a coaching process to lead you into this revelation and helps reveal the higher version of yourself as well as supports creating new results in the world. Pick it up with the link below!

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Just RE-released “Life Experiment”! Get it here 

Get my book The Captain!  



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#should #shouldnt #notFair 

#lifeExperiment #experiment #theCaptainBook #life #happiness #happy #selfrealization #selfcare #spiritualwisdom #paradigmshift #awareness

Jevon Perra

Jevon Perra: Spirit seeker, Light worker, healer, human behavior teacher, speaker, pastor, coach.

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