How to choose an exciting new year.
The father of following your bliss, Joseph Campbell said, "We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the life that is…
The father of following your bliss, Joseph Campbell said, "We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the life that is…
A great man passed away. His work and memory will be long remembered though. I came across an interview that Tony Robbins did of Stephen Covey that is absolutely fantastic.…
Here is a sound bite from a live training I did recently. Let me know what you think!
"I am angry." "I am sad." "I am depressed". "I am so frustrated I'm gonna punch you in the nose!" Et cetera. Here is a word to the wise. Emotions…
It has been said that words are but 7% of communication. This may be true, but not all the time. Imagine getting a card from someone you care about in…
Motivation. It is a curious phenomenon when something outside of you provokes a new way of engaging in your world. The real power of when motivation turns into inspiration, which…
Any choice, even if its the "right" one, if based in fear, I say is the "wrong" choice. Let's say you are positive and really do know the "right" choice…
"I drift, wait and obey" - Harold Arlen Harold Arlen is the composer who was charged to write the score for the classic movie The Wizard of Oz. He…
You are "nascent” [adj]. I love this word. It means, “Just coming into existence & beginning 2 display signs of future potential." No matter where you've been, be nascent. You…
Designed beliefs are commonly referred to as affirmations. And just in case you are about to tune out with, "Affirmations?! Does that fluffy, weird stuff even work??" give me a couple minutes.…