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3 Steps To Lower Stress & Get Stuff Done.

Here is video clip for you that I snuck in during one of my trainings. It’s on a 3-step method to lower your stress and get the stuff done that is causing the stress! What a great combo, right?

The 3-Step Method To Lower Stress & Get Stuff Done.

The video explains that if you:

  1. Have a reliable collection box to put all your commitments in so you know where they are
  2. Clarify a clear desired outcome for each thing in your collection box
  3. Determine the very next simple, physical action you need to take to move toward that desired outcome

​You will then be able to manage one simple action at a time. This process will help you take the world off your shoulders and be at peace knowing you just need to do the next thing.

If this video was helpful, email me and I can help add more details of how you and your organization can get more done AND lower the stress you carry.

Jevon Perra

Jevon Perra: Spirit seeker, Light worker, healer, human behavior teacher, speaker, pastor, coach.

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