Reinventing yourself is not as big of a shift as you think. I went from non-profit worker to a top salesman to a sales trainer to a corporate communications trainer to a human behavior specialist. The key is to do what you can where you are at, and take the steps you can to move to where you want to be. Just continue to do no more then what you know now, and sometimes seemingly magically you’ll know what to do next when that future time comes.
In response to a friend wanting to go from managing to training, here is what I shared with her. It’s a system I used. The most important part is to start RIGHT NOW with what you can do. Even though there may be more that you can’t do right now, stop focusing on all of that. Seriously, stop it. Focus on what you can do RIGHT NOW. What can you do? Then think a bit about what you successfully do at this point in your career. Document and systematize these things that you continually accomplish.
Here is your steps to Reinvent Yourself:
- Start a list of all the training that you do and have done.
- Get clear on the results it has produced.
- Come up with a system that you used, or make up a system based on your normal habits that could be replicable. As in, someone else could follow these steps and get the same results.
- Now put those “systems” as part of your resume with the results that you can replicate where ever you go and post it on monster.
- Connect with people you know (email, Facebook, Linked in) and find out what is out there that could hire a trainer.
- Don’t wait for people to hire, start to pursue where you want to work by building a case that hiring you would increase value and lower costs because you are that good at training.
You may not like where you are at, but you never have to be a victim. You are powerful. You can create the life you want as long as you go one step at a time.
23 Sep 2012Great topic! I’m in the process in doing just this and have been receiving great feedback. I even started dressing better much to the questioning eyes of my coworkers 🙂
Jevon Perra
24 Sep 2012That’s great Jessica! Keep acting and dressing like the woman that has the success you are committed to have and watch what happens for you. Keep in touch and let me know how it goes!